Treatment Conditions
- Arthritis
- Balance and mobility
- Bursitis
- Concussion
- Diabetes
- Dizziness
- Dysplasia
- Fracture rehabilitation
- Growing pains
- Headaches
- Osteoporosis
- Overuse injuries
- Postural related pain
- Pregnancy related pain
- Pre & post-op rehab
- Sprains and strains
- Sporting injuries
- Tendinopathy
- Vertigo
- Whiplash
- Arthritis
- Balance and mobility
- Bursitis
- Concussion
- Diabetes
- Dizziness
- Dysplasia
- Fracture rehabilitation
- Growing pains
- Headaches
- Osteoporosis
- Overuse injuries
- Postural related pain
- Pregnancy related pain
- Pre & post-op rehab
- Sprains and strains
- Sporting injuries
- Tendinopathy
- Vertigo
- Whiplash
- Arthritis
- Balance and mobility
- Bursitis
- Concussion
- Diabetes
- Dizziness
- Dysplasia
- Fracture rehabilitation
- Growing pains
- Headaches.
- Osteoporosis
- Overuse injuries
- Postural related pain
- Pregnancy related pain
- Pre & post-op rehab
- Sprains and strains
- Sporting injuries
- Tendinopathy
- Vertigo
- Whiplash
Treatment Areas

Treatment Types
Perhaps our most important service to you. We will do our best to ensure that you understand the nature of your injury, how we can treat it collectively and how you can get back to function safely and confidently.
A key part of your rehabilitation is a graduated exercise program designed to return you to a normal level of function. We will expertly guide you through an appropriate exercise regime designed to address immediate deficiencies and help prevent recurrences.
Dry Needling
A fantastic form of treatment to relieve muscle tension, reduce pain, stimulate circulation and activate muscles with minimal pain. It involves needling to altered or dysfunctional tissues (‘knot’) in order to improve or restore function.
Manual Therapy
This is a specialised form of physical therapy where practitioners use their hands to put pressure on muscle tissue and mobilize joints in an attempt to decrease pain caused by muscle spasm, muscle tension and joint dysfunction.
This is a very effective application that we use to give support to healing joints or to modify movement patterns in your rehabilitation. We can also demonstrate how you can carry on taping throughout your rehab and for return to sport or function.